Boîte à outils

Animateurs et responsables de jeunesse
Outil pédagogique
Recherches et études
Citoyenneté/ Participation
Developpement durable/Environnement
Droits humains
Gestion de conflits
Gestion de projets
Lutte contre les discriminations
Politique de jeunesse
Santé mentale
Travail de jeunesse

298 outils

White paper on Intercultural Dialogue : “Living together as equals in dignity”

The White Paper seeks to set a clear course for intercultural dialogue. This is a contribution to an international disscussion steadily gaining momentum. The task of living together amid growing cultural diversity while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms has becaome one of the major demands of our times and is set to remain relevant for many years come.

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The policies of diversity in Europe

The essays collected here are developed from a research seminar entitled “Diversity, HUman Rights and Participation” organised by the Partnership on Youth between the Council of Europe and the European Comission. The studies gathered here are embedded in 10 different national contexts. They track dimensions of diversity in education, social servicies, jurisprudence, parlementary proceedings and employment initiatives and assess their significance for the social actors who must negotiate these frameworks in their daily experience.

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Studies on Youth policies in the Mediterraneans partner countries. Turkey.

This study aims to identify the current evolution of the youth related policies and youth work in Turkey. It intends to examine whether or not there is a specific youth policy in Turkey, and aims to understand the nature of youth related policies and the public stucture(s) trough which those policies are made and implemented.

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Studies on Youth policies in the mediterranean partner countries. Syria.

This study has focused on some crucial issures with which young people are dealing and their life situation in Syria. Many things are changing or improving in the country. The study tries to hihtlight the most relevant changes affecting young people and the roles and perceptions of actors involved. Its main objective is to analyze the situation of young people in order to better understand their current challenges and opportunities in the frame of the National Youth Policy. This study focuses mainly on the analysis of the challenges faced by young people in the country and their strategies of reaction in order to find their own place in society (as active citizens).

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Soutenir les jeunes en Europe : Volume 2

Cette étude vise deux objectifs. Le premier est de compléter le cadre qui avait été défini à parti de l’examen approfondi des sept premières analyses internationales des politiques de jeunesse conduites par la Direction de la jeunesse duConseil de l’Europe entre 1997 et 2001. La lecture attentive des rapports nationaux et internationaux iltérieurs, produits entre 2002 et 2006, a permis d’identifier les questions méritant une attention plus importante et devant être abordées à l’avenir. De cet exercice est née la proposition d’un noveau cadre dans lequel situer le débat européen sur la question de la politique de jeunesse.

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Soutenir les jeunes en Europe : Principes, politique et practique

Ce rapport, tente de cerner les questions stratégiques et les défis opérationnels qui conditionnent l’efficacité d’une politique de la jeunesse. Sur la base des rapports natinaux et internationaux issus de l’analyse des politiques nationales de la jeunesse par des groupes internationaux d’experts du Conseil de l’Europe dans sept pays différents, il essaie de mettre en lumière à la fois les thèmes communs et les différences significatives dans les façons de penser et les approches. Ce rapport a pour but de faire avancer d’un pas l’idée d’une politique de la jeunesse.

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Raising young refugees’ voices in Europe and beyond

The aim of this report is to convey the main points of a training seminar organised in close co-operation with the UNHCR Representation in Strasbourg. It brought together young forcibly displaced persons and other young people working in their favour. The organisers and participants of the seminar were driven by the strong conviction that all young people need to participe in buiding Europe, that social cohesion implies the inclusion of marginalised, minority youth and that nobody can talk about young refugees’ needs and assets better than yung refugees themselves.

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